KidsExcel Appreciation Day 2019
28 Jun 2019
This year, KidsExcel celebrates our 8th year of Moulding Character, Changing Lives.
KidsExcel’s success as a social leveller relies on the joint efforts of the Village:
Like-minded partners and schools, charitable donors and passionate educators.
Since 2015, KidsExcel has impacted over 1,700 children from financially disadvantaged backgrounds.
The KidsExcel Appreciation Event is for us to recognise and thank our treasured partners who have made this success possible.

Parent's Seminar at Rivervale Primary School
12 Apr 2018
"Thinking skills to support your Child's Learning"
The KidsExcel Parents Seminar will be held in Rivervale Primary School on 13th April 2018, Friday, 6 p.m to 7 p.m.
We will be sharing on more information on the program and how our modules develop independent learners. (Only open to parents of the pupils from Rivervale Primary School)

Open House at Istana
21 Apr 2018
Expect a performance by our KidsExcel kids at the Istana Open house on 22th April 2018, 7 p.m!
KidsExcel Camp @ Republic Polytechnic
5 Dec 2015
A thrilling & fun 3-day KidsExcel camp at Republic Polytechnic from 5th December to 7th December 2015.
Watch the video to see the overview & experience of the kids enjoying the camp!